‘Bounce Back to School’   

We would like to say a huge  to every one of you who attended  “Bounce Back to School”  and we hope you and the children enjoyed it?  They certainly seemed to have a LOT of fun!

When this event was talked about at our last PTA meeting of the summer term, the thinking behind it was simple…a fun day for the children to get excited about and enjoy.  A fun way to kick off the school year.

We had hoped that ticket sales and on the day sales of refreshments would cover the cost of the inflatables, but we never ever imagined that this event could actually generate money for our school!

Your support at this event has raised us an amazing  £776.62.  Much needed funds for our school that each and every one of you have helped us to generate! THANK YOU!

We must also say a massive thank you to both MORRISONS POYNTON for your amazing donations of hot dogs and crisps and ALDI POYNTON for your fabulous donations of cakes and children’s drinks! Thank you both so much for your generosity.  

We must also give a huge shout out and thank you to OMC Inflatables who were just brilliant, we cannot recommend them enough!  

What a fun “welcome back to school” event this was…maybe we could start a new Lostock Hall tradition?

Remember it’s not too late to sign up for our PTA newsletter so if you haven’t yet and would like to please click subscribe on our CONTACT page or email us at We are looking forward to planning and hosting lots more fun and exciting events this school year! 

Thank you again! xx

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