Author: PTALS

Euro2024 Sponsored Dribble!

Wow! What an incredible effort from our Lostock Hall children!💥⚽️
They took this challenge by the horns and truly excelled! From pre-school to Year 6, we witnessed amazing dedication and enthusiasm. You should all be very proud!

A HUGE thanks to 8BY8 Football and to Alex for lending us his footballs and gear, and for spending the entire day motivating our fantastic dribblers. Thank you so much! We must also say a big thank you to Mrs. Myers and her Year 6 team, who ensured the day ran smoothly. Absolute stars!

Of course, these fun fundraisers wouldn’t be possible without our wonderful PTA and the parent (and grandparent) helpers. Thank you for your time and efforts.

Together we have raised an incredible £1879 for our lovely school! Thank you for your continued support!

Spring Fundraising Events

Spring term was filled with a great mixture of fun fundraising events for our school!Starting off with a competition to help celebrate the Lunar New Year, with a competition for the children…

We had a lovely selection of lanterns and dragons displayed in the school hall.  A great effort everyone and a big congratulations to our winners!


Next up we had our very first virtual balloon race which took place over the February half term.  We had lots of entries and this fun virtual event manage to raise over £400 for the school!  We hope you all enjoyed it!

We also had 2 pop up shops! One for pre-loved uniform and one for World Book Day.  Thank you for supporting these – they are so good for our environment!

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all of you who joined us for our Family Easter Bingo event!

This wasn’t just a fun night out for the whole family, we managed to raise a whopping £1,045!!

Thank you again for your continued support!

Christmas Tree Sale & Market 2023

Ho ho ho, what fun!

Thank you all for making our Christmas tree sale and market another huge success!

Our amazing friends at Hagg Farm Christmas Trees have done us proud again.  Sharing their busiest day of the season to make our event extremely special.  Our Lostock families and Bird Estate residents showed up to chose a stunning tree.

Hagg Farm Christmas Trees are once again supporting our PTA with 10% of sales on the day being donated to the school and they have so generously chosen Lostock Hall PTA as one of the 5 charities that will benefit by sharing 5% of their seasons total sales.  How amazing is that!

Our market saw a wonderful selection of bespoke items, perfect for Christmas gifts, including the fantastic art from one of our Lostock parents, JOHN SOONAYE

Bounce Back To School 2023

Well, we certainly managed to make sure the Lostock Hall kids bounced back to school with a big smile! 🥰 

Wow, what a fab afternoon we all had!
It was a hot, hot, hot afternoon, but that didn’t stop us!😎
We hope you all had as much fun as we did, 😬
Thank you all for supporting our welcome back to school event!
A big thank you to our hardworking and amazing PTA and all of our parent (and children!) helpers, once again 🙏

Summer BBQ 2023 – Festival Style!

Wow!  What an amazing evening, we all had, despite the drizzle! 🍔🏰☔️
We would like to say a big thank you to all of you for supporting our lovely school! 🥰  Together we have managed to raise an amazing £2091 for our school!  We also have a parent who is trying to arrange some match funding for a percentage of this too, which is fabulous news!
A huge thank you must be said to our amazing PTA members and hard working helpers…you know who you are ❤️❤️…without your help events like this could not go ahead…so THANK YOU from the PTA and on behalf of all of our Lostock Hall families! ❤️❤️
We must also say a big shout out to 8BY8 and their fab Beat The Goalie ⚽️ and Hagg Farm Christmas Trees for bringing Mushroom Billy and Bob the 🐑
Once again, a big thank you again to all of our fabulous raffle prize donations:
Many of the sweets were donated by the ever generous Swizzles – thank you for your support!

We must also take a moment to say the biggest thank you to our amazing Sara Panter and Carol Swindells who have both done such an outstanding job leading our PTA for some time ⭐️

It is an absolute privilege to carry on the hard work in your honour…❤️😇 😇❤️


Summer Disco

Wow, what a fun night we had for our summer term disco!! 🕺🥳
We had epic snaking conga lines, Gangnam style dancing competitions, the floor is lava and so much more! 🥰😎
Thank you to all who attended for helping make this another fabulous Lostock Hall event. And a special shout out to our amazing teachers and school support staff and our hard working PTA (and helpers) – THANK YOU!! ⭐⭐⭐

A Coronation Party

Well, rain did not stop play on our little Coronation party…even if it did make us all a little soggy!🍦☔

Thank you all for persevering with our unpredictable Great British weather, and helping create a fun party for the children to celebrate this memorable occasion! 

The PTA would also like to thank our fabulous parents for your very generous cake donations!  There was lots of chatter about the raspberry and white chocolate tray bake…did somebody say delicious!

“Many hands make light work”…thank you so much for those who stayed a little later to help tidy and pack away.  


Easter Family Bingo Fun!

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along to our family bingo event last term!.

There was such a great atmosphere and we hope you all had as much fun as we did! Congratulations to everyone who went home with a prize, and we hope to get another social event in the diary soon!

We would like to say a big thank you to the Metcalf family for their very generous raffle prize donations of electrical items from their family business:

We are absolutely thrilled to say that our Bingo event raised an incredible £878.12!!

Chinese New Year Colouring Competition


Wow!  What a fantastic collection of rabbits!

Thank you to everyone that entered our Chinese New Year, Year of The Rabbit, colouring competition.  They were all fantastic (and all winners in our eyes!).

Thank you to Mrs D for having the very tough job of picking out the winners for each class.

The winners were:

  • Pre-school – Hanna 
  • Reception – Jack 
  • Year 1 – Clara 
  • Year 2 – Greta 
  • Year3 – Amber 
  • Year 4 – Chloe 
  • Year 5 – Rhea 
  • Year 6 – Emilie  

Thank you again.  All the fabulous entries are on display in Before and After School Club.